Our Market Outlook for Stockton Real Estate Investors in 2021

One of the most important aspects of becoming a real estate investor is market analysis, which should guide how you manage your holdings. Familiarizing yourself with Stockton and all of the factors that influence each property’s long-term value requires dedication to your business. You can achieve the security of your golden years through wise planning … Continued

How to Make Money Buying Notes in Stockton

You may have had a mortgage with a lender and then received notification that you will be making payments to a different lender. This change of payment notification means your lender sold the note on your mortgage on the secondary mortgage market. Your originating lender bundled your mortgage note in with others and sold them, … Continued

5 Tips to Help You Prepare For Moving in Stockton

Saying goodbye to your home and moving to a new location requires a form of closure for many homeowners. Changing our mindset from the change being news to becoming our reality and finally carrying out the move can be made easier through careful preparations. You’ll find five tips below that will help you prepare in … Continued

How to Get the Best Price for Your Run Down House in Stockton

Decided to sell but have a problem? Homes that haven’t been maintained and have become an eyesore create a unique set of issues for their owners. If you should find yourself holding property in less than stellar condition, we will explore how to get the best price for your run-down house in Stockton. Avoid Contingencies … Continued