What Happens To Your Stockton Property After A Divorce?

Divorces are difficult. About forty to fifty percent of marriages ended in divorce last year, and the rate is even higher for subsequent marriages. If you are going through a divorce right now, you are probably wondering what happens to your Stockton property after the divorce. Who Keeps The Property? This is something you and … Continued

Understanding All The Costs Of Homeownership In Stockton

When you own a house you don’t really want, the costs of homeownership can be unbearable. Take a look at some of the costs you can expect to face in our latest post! Owning a house is expensive. Owning the wrong house is even worse. It’s important as a homeowner that you look past just … Continued

5 Things To Watch For When Screening Tenants in Stockton

Screening tenants in Stockton is one of the most important tasks you will have as a landlord. Learn about what to watch out for in our latest post! When choosing who you want to live in your house, the process can be overwhelming. Someone may look great on paper but be the opposite in person … Continued

The Hidden Costs of Owning Vacant Land In Stockton

Vacant land can be a truly rewarding investment. Vacant land can also have hidden costs; maybe right away, maybe in the long run. There are annual taxes and potentially property owner’s association fees to consider, not as many tax benefits, cash flow, and property maintenance issues, and market conditions to consider. Call Sell My House … Continued

How an iBuyer Compares To A Local Home Buyer in Stockton

iBuyers are a relatively new option when it comes to selling your home. They provide a quick option if you need to sell as soon as possible, but they are not the only option. There are still traditional local home buyers in Stockton, California that are financed and able to purchase your home. How does … Continued

What To Do If Your Tenants Asks To Sub-Lease In Stockton

There are a variety of reasons why your tenant may ask to sub-lease in Stockton. Some landlords are fine with it, while others are not. Learn more about the process in our latest post! Sublets can work out just fine so long as the tenant has received the permission of the landlord. All contracts need … Continued